Friday, May 30, 2014

#9: Explore one course from MIT and comment on it.

The MIT Opencoursewave is a convenient way to know the teaching methods abroad. I think this is a good way to let the knowledge open to the public. But I am not very interest in the science and engineering subjects. So I choose a cross-disciplinary topic about environment course. The environment is very important issue today. They are talk about Economic & Environmental Issues in Materials Selection. They use life cycle assessment method to analysis the problem. I think this lecture is too difficult to understand. But it let me see the students abroad is very courage to express their own ideas.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Homework#8: ESL Podcast 998– Meeting a New Neighbor.

neighbor - someone who lives very near to you

settling in -  to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new housejob, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there

the scoop - tool with a deep bowl-shaped end that is used to dig out and move a softsubstance or powder

take a rain check - used to tell someone that you cannot accept their invitation now, but would like to do so at a later time

joiner -  skilled worker who makes the wooden structures inside buildings, such asdoors and window frames

appointing myself - to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility

resident - someone who lives in a particular place

inundated - to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with them all

sort them out - an occasion when you put things in order or in their correct place

to fend off - to push or send away an attacker or other unwanted person

turning down - to refuse an offer or request

reputation -  the opinion that people in general have about someone or something, or how much respect or admiration someone or something receivesbased on pastbehaviour or character

recluse - person who lives alone and avoids going outside or talking to other people

busybodies - person who is too interested in things that do not involve them

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Homework, Leo,the taxi driver

1 I have to break out of this routine打破例行公事
2 Leo was tired being a taxi driver.(he don't want to do it anymore)
3 Any other
4 On the outside looking in(局外人)
5 retirement退休
6 A:Sidewalk.B:Pavement(人行道)
7 free up釋放
8 poke (撮or伸出or探出)
9 snarl+介係詞
10 Feeling weary, Leo was about to turn off his sign when a flurry of activity caught his eye.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Impression of Job's speech

About Jobs' speech.I think he is a very assertive person.
According his first srory. After he drop out from college. 
"But looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made" he said
I can see his strong ambition about this point.
No matter what decition he made.At least,he knows what he is doing.
And this decision can let him have more meaningful life.
This concept of life is impression.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Assignments of 3/25

hectic (adjective)
 busy, fast, and full of activity:

eThough hectic, it was delightful to see such outstanding results after ten years of careful tending.

very strange and surprising:

They aren't very particular about how bizarretheir clothes are, so long as they are fashionable.

look into sth  (phrasal verb with look)

to examine the facts about a situation:They are looking into the causes of the accident.

1.For this reason, we asked Taiwan Sugar tolook into the possibility of releasing some appropriate amount of its land.

2.He always comes here to look into who has two passports.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Giant panda cub Yuan Zai unveiled in Taiwan's Taipei zoo

I am confused for the words,unveil and separate.

I use the website,Longman and Oxford to solve my problem.


1 to show or tell people about a new product or plan for the first time.
2 to remove the cover from something, especially as part of a formal ceremony.


forming a unit by itself; not joined to something else.

IDIOM - go your separate ways

1 to end a relationship with someone.
2 to go in a different direction from someone you have been traveling with.

I feel the example sentence is useful for me.
It can let me know how to use the new word at some occasion that I need.
Also,I love the idiom they provided.
It can let my article feeling vivid but not rigid.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Hellow, My name is Jay.
I'm from Jhungly , Tauyuan City
I'm studing in Department of Business Administration now.
I hope I can improve my English skill in the CALL class.
I also wish that I could get high score at TOEIC test after this class.
I will try my best!