Saturday, March 29, 2014

Assignments of 3/25

hectic (adjective)
 busy, fast, and full of activity:

eThough hectic, it was delightful to see such outstanding results after ten years of careful tending.

very strange and surprising:

They aren't very particular about how bizarretheir clothes are, so long as they are fashionable.

look into sth  (phrasal verb with look)

to examine the facts about a situation:They are looking into the causes of the accident.

1.For this reason, we asked Taiwan Sugar tolook into the possibility of releasing some appropriate amount of its land.

2.He always comes here to look into who has two passports.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Giant panda cub Yuan Zai unveiled in Taiwan's Taipei zoo

I am confused for the words,unveil and separate.

I use the website,Longman and Oxford to solve my problem.


1 to show or tell people about a new product or plan for the first time.
2 to remove the cover from something, especially as part of a formal ceremony.


forming a unit by itself; not joined to something else.

IDIOM - go your separate ways

1 to end a relationship with someone.
2 to go in a different direction from someone you have been traveling with.

I feel the example sentence is useful for me.
It can let me know how to use the new word at some occasion that I need.
Also,I love the idiom they provided.
It can let my article feeling vivid but not rigid.